2022 bespoke gardens - A beginner's Guide

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It's no secret that the past two years have taken their toll on all of us. From economic unrest to lockdowns, finding a way to seek personal fulfilment has become more important than ever. While not everyone has the gift of the green thumb, growing your veggie garden not only helps add variety and a touch of homemade love into your cooking but is also a place to seek solace and personal comfort in a period where it's most needed.


For those of you looking to begin your first veggie garden, the following tips are just what you need to start off on the right foot.


Get a soil sample


There is absolutely nothing wrong with starting off your veggie garden using already existing beds. However, the success of your growth depends entirely on the quality of your soil. Make sure you're fully aware of what you're dealing with and take a soil sample with you to a local nursery. You'll get valuable information on the types of soil you may require as well as access to nutrients and seeds that you need. Doing this will ensure that your garden efforts have a much better chance of being rewarded.


Read more about soil samples here - How to take a soil sample.


Start off with easy growers


While starting off with fresh seedlings is definitely the faster way to go, some prefer to start from scratch using seeds. Take a look at some easy growing options such as tomatoes, peas, lettuce, and squash. Basic staple plants like these are super simple to look after and since they're easy growers, you're likely to yield quite a return after your first harvest!


Starter plants might be easier than seeds


Again, we're not saying don't use seeds. In fact, seeds offer you greater control over your produce. First-timers could start with small potted plants because having the ability to watch your plant grow from the sapling-stage grants you the opportunity to observe the growth from the start, and how your plant should be coming along.


Visit Eckhards for more information.


Consider raised gardens


For first time growers, it's beneficial that you have more command over the growing process than simply planting straight in the soil. Raised gardens offer you that level of control by allowing you to regulate pests and weeds with more ease as well as the ability to use a concentrated amount of nutrient-rich soil. 


Raised gardens also grant you the opportunity to lengthen your growth time. Speak to your local nursery about starting up a raised veggie garden in less than an hour.


Growing with seeds 


If you're an experienced grower or if you're happy to tackle seeds from the start then we would recommend starting with a proper container and quality soil. Be sure to plant your seeds at the correct depth (detailed in the packaging) and water them wisely. It's also important to maintain consistent moisture levels as well as fertilising adequately. Always ensure that your seedlings have enough exposure to light.


If you're looking for the right supplier that will always offer you quality advice then is a fantastic resource for heirloom seeds and seedlings touted as one of South Africa's best seed companies.


Keep things organic


Always bear in mind that staying organic with everything you grow ensures that your plants stay healthy for longer. Natural fertiliser can be made straight at home by mixing up natural compost tea into a sludgy mixture to enhance your saplings growth.


Natural pest eradication


Something that every homeowner and potential gardening enthusiast cannot avoid is critters and tiny unseen invaders that can cause irreparable harm to your plants. The obvious answer is to keep a collection of pesticides available. The problem comes with choosing pesticides that don't harm your produce, especially if you're planning on growing a veggie garden.


Of course, we wouldn't mention pesticides if we didn't have a perfect all-natural solution! A homemade insecticide made from vegetable oils mixed in with a mild soap concentrate is actually extremely effective against pests like aphids, mites, and tiny ants. 


This basic yet effective solution only takes minutes to mix. All you need is one tablespoon of soap powder mixed in with a cup of vegetable oil. Grab a spray bottle (should be an abundance of those of late) and mix your solution in with a further two teaspoons of mixing oil and water. Shake well, and you're ready to go.


Read our previous article here: 


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Author: Lisa

Submitted 08 Feb 22 / Views 1100