10 things you should NEVER say to a woman.

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To celebrate the month of women, we're diving into the perpetual minefield of things you should never say to them. Women often find themselves on the receiving end of thoughtless remarks that can be offensive, patronising, or downright hurtful. On this Women's Day, let's explore ten things you should never say to a woman to foster better communication and promote mutual respect.

Remember, while aiming for a good laugh, respect and decency are still at the core of our message!

1- "Calm down"

Telling a woman to "calm down" can be dismissive and condescending. But, if you enjoy watching the room temperature drop faster than a penguin sliding down an icy slope, telling a woman to "calm down" is your go-to phrase! But seriously, folks, this one is a surefire way to spark a raging inferno. Instead, try offering her a cup of tea and a listening ear. It works wonders!

2 - "When are you going to have children?"

If you're looking to perfect your ninja evasion skills or discover what an awkward silence truly feels like, go ahead and ask a woman about her reproductive plans.

On a serious note, such a question is invasive and personal. It assumes having children is a universal goal for all women, disregarding individual circumstances, choices, and preferences. How often would you pose this question to a man?

3 - "You look tired/sick"

Want to witness a magical disappearing act? Utter these three words, and watch the woman before you vanish into thin air. Okay, not really, but you'll see her confidence take a nosedive.

All you're doing is suggesting she must adhere to specific beauty standards at all times, which is both unrealistic and unfair. Instead, offer support and kindness without focusing on her physical appearance. It doesn't require too much effort.

4 - "Are you sure you want to wear that?"

Congratulations, you've just volunteered for the Fashion Police Department! Questioning a woman's choice of clothing implies her judgment is flawed or she needs your approval. 
Unless you're genuinely concerned about her safety due to an outfit malfunction, let everyone embrace their unique style. Fashion is an art form, and we should celebrate individual expression, even if it includes neon polka dots or mismatched socks.

5 - "Don't you want to put on some make-up"

Ah, yes, the makeup police strike again! But unless you're offering makeup tips to become the next Jeffree Star, it's best to let people paint their faces as they please. Let's embrace the beauty in diversity, whether it's a full face of glam or a bare-faced glow.
Makeup is a form of self-expression and should be a personal choice!

6 - "Are you sure you want to eat that?"

Warning - Approaching this topic may result in food taking flight and high-fiving you in the face. It's simple, food choices are personal, and unless you're a certified nutritionist with a PhD in minding your own business, it's best to let people enjoy their meals peacefully. Bon appétit!

7 - "You would be prettier if you smiled more"

Ah, the infamous smile commandment! Did you know that smiles are like taxes? They're best when given voluntarily. That being said, let's appreciate women for their accomplishments, their intelligence, and their ability to conquer the world rather than expecting them to flash a smile as if they're permanently fixed to your arm.

8 - "You should feel lucky that you get free drinks when you go out"

Yes! And you should feel lucky you never have to experience the pain of childbirth.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the magical realm of patronising comments! So fun! Assuming women should feel "lucky" for certain privileges is like giving someone a participation trophy for being born. If you WANT to buy a woman a drink, that's literally and figuratively on YOU! Let's focus on celebrating achievements and treating everyone equally, regardless of gender.

9 - "You're not like other girls."

Oh really? And how many other girls have you said that too? The infamous line that's guaranteed to make eyes roll faster than a roulette wheel. Can we put an end to this unnecessary comparison game? Women are unique individuals, and that's what makes them exceptional. 

Do you want to offer a woman a compliment? Try getting to know her and focus on her individual aspects rather than throwing out a one-size-fits-blanket statement no one would appreciate.

10 - "Is it that time of the month?"

Picture this: You're walking on a tightrope, and the ground below is a pool of sharks with laser beams attached to their heads. That's the level of danger you're entering when you venture into the "time of the month" territory.

Associating a woman's emotions or behaviour with her menstrual cycle undermines her agency. It perpetuates stereotypes diminishing the complexity of women's experiences. Avoid making assumptions and judge each situation on its own merits. It's best to avoid this conversation like the plague and focus on something less treacherous, like 9/11.

RADA (Rape, Alcohol, Drug, Abuse)

RADA is an extraordinary initiative aiming to empower young girls through the production and distribution of MiPads and reusable sanitary pads. For countless girls who cannot afford disposable pads, this often means missing up to 60 days of schooling in a single year. 

RADA is dedicated to addressing this critical issue, but they need your support. The primary requirement is funding to provide MiPads to predominantly Grade 7 girls. You'll have two options to contribute: Option A entails visiting the RADA website to donate, while Option B allows you to purchase MiPads directly from RADA and distribute them personally. 

For more information about RADA and to get involved, please visit the following link:

Remember, folks, respect and decency are the guiding principles. So, let's strive to create a world where we can appreciate each other's quirks, support one another, and, most importantly, avoid those cringe-worthy foot-in-mouth moments!

Here's to another twenty years of delivering our promise of The Boutique Experience.

Read our previous article here

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Author: Bryce Anderson

Submitted 07 Aug 23 / Views 3366